Monday, December 22, 2008

Net11 Reflections Week Three

Forgive for father for it has been a week since I last blogged. Actually I can't believe it was a week but here's the proof.

Week three really got away from me, it must be this thing called Christmas taking up all my time, definitely not my poor time management. I do feel a bit deflated after so many grand plans for the last week went astray: get ahead, plan out my assignment and contribute comments to fellow students blogs. Unfortunately the realities of life and a smallish helping of procrastination brought me tumbling down.

Not to worry though, some time away from the internet machine gave me some space to think, and asses how I utilise my time online. The results I must say are far from pleasing and they have brought me to an interesting conclusion: I waste time on the interwebs. Oh surprise!

Over the last few days particularly, I have found that I am getting online and just procrastinating, surfing from site to site with no specific task in mind. Of course this is not always a bad thing and some mindless surfing is always fun and occasionally useful, but I need to focus and utilise my time online effectively.

So, after a little Googling and reading some of the millions of self help 10-ways-to-be-more-productive-and-manage-your-time websites, I have come up with my challenge for this week; to be more purposeful when online. So now when I sit down in front of the internet I will have a plan of attack, a goal to achieve for the session.

For large chunks of time I will plan out what I wish to do and how long I have to do it before I even take to the computer. If I have a 30 minute window online, I will do some quick research or blog a thought rather than poke a friend or check my email every 15 minutes. Of course I won't stop my social shenanigans online, I will now also plan out my time socialising rather than flitting over to Facebook on a random whim every five minutes to see my friends status updates. And if I go of on a tangent, clicking through to site after site, I plan to share some of the gold (or not so gold) sites I may come across (it's not really time wasting then is it?). Consider yourselves warned :)

So now my dirty little secret is out, how do you manage your time online and protect yourself from the procrastination traps of the web?


  1. unofficially, the jelly site you linked to is the best I have ever been to. I giggled for ages.

    Oficially, please don't send me to time wasting sites again. You have been warned ;)

  2. Simon,
    A great analogy is that if you buy a large filing cabinet you will find things to fill it with. I think our time is the same. If we have plenty of time to get a task done we will utilise all of that time, by doing everything except concentrating on the task at hand.
    I find I can fill my days in exactly the way you describe. I really should be further advanced, but I find that "research" is such a time consumer, but you can come uop with some interesting websites.

    Great post. Loved the jelly


  3. Thanks Rhys, although keeping on top of everything plus the comments does seem near impossible. Still it's a blast and something which I'm finding more and more enjoyable.

  4. Hey Hans, it does seem that no matter how much we take out of the "filing cabinet" to make space, there always seems more than enough to fill the newly found space :/

    I suppose what I am now trying to do is keep the same amount in the cabinet, just file it more efficently! :)

    Have a merry xmas!

  5. What a great post. I love your link style. It's right on the money. I wish I could bring some discipline to my web use.
