Monday, December 15, 2008

Net11 Week Two Reflections

It seems that I have successfully navigated week two of Net11 without having any adverse reactions or blowouts. It feels fantastic to be getting stuck into topics which I find both interesting and worthwhile. It's interesting to note that while I am familiar with the material we are studying, I am still taking a lot away and feel I am gaining a greater understanding of the core aspects of the internet and its underlying structure.

To me this is the reason why I have restarted university study; to build on the knowledge that I all ready have, and to a lesser degree, validate what I have previously been doing in life, the experiences and knowledge it has given me.

I am also finding the discussions in the forums are invigorating with so many informed points of view. Coupled with the simple fact that people are not afraid to share their thoughts and ideas, this is making the time I spend on there so worthwhile. It really is a refreshing change to my last unit where people were not interested in any type of online discussion or debate :/

OK so now I can turn my attention to week three, and to get me through I have set myself a few little goals including:

1. getting ahead on my module 2 tasks,
2. determining which concepts I will begin writing on

and the big one for me

3. comment on more fellow students blogs.

I know they seem a little big once they are verbalised, but I think they are achievable for week three. So do you have any of your own learning goals for week three?


  1. I agree Simon, the discussion boards have been interesting to follow.

    Just a couple of points on commenting, I have noticed one thing regarding ease of commenting and blog layout: the layout of this blog template makes it easier to comment on the blog post you want to comment on because the blog post appears above the comment box. This feature allows you to easily refer to the post while you write your comment. The layout of many of the blogger templates does not allow for this (mine included). I think I'll change my net11 blog template to accommodate this in the next week or so.

    One thing about commenting on lots of blogs... There are certainly rewards, but it is time consuming. The more blogs you comment on the more potential for conversation = more time spent. So I find weighing up when to stop commenting and start working directly on another assessment criteria to be a little tricky.

  2. Thanks Rhys, yeah the whole commenting on lots of blogs is a double edged sword. IF you have the time to commit to it though, it will be worthwhile (or so they tell me). Heh.

  3. The discussion on WEBCT seems to me to be more inclusive than commenting on individual blogs. All of us go to the discussion board, but we do not always see everybody's blog. Where is the time best spent??

  4. I find the discussions between individual blogs and forums such as WebCT can vary greatly. At this point though, I think trying to balance time between the two is beneficial.

    As a relative newbie to blogs, I am finding using Google Reader to follow and read other students blogs is helping me manage my time to some extent. I then flick over to WebCT and flick through the outstanding posts.

  5. Simon Google reader makes my job so much easier. i've got a folder set up for all the feeds for net11 and i can see who's posted in real time. i read most of the posts inside the reader and click through to the ones i want to comment on.

  6. Hi Simon,

    I am sharing a few of your goals for this week... I am hoping to comment on fellow students blogs (this being the first comment!). I am also hoping to start to move along on my course work. I am getting a bit nervous with the xmas and new year festivities ahead and hoping to tick some boxes so I can get caught up in the festivities and not feel guilty about not doing enough work!

  7. Woohoo Mandy, your first comment! Well done :)

    I know the feeling about the coursework, I think though you need to enjoy the break and you will come back invigorated for the homeward stretch.

  8. Hi simon,

    I had only just posted my reflection on Module 1 and lo and behold you had commented. Thanks for the encouragement.
    But how did you mange so quickly.
    Hans ?

  9. Yeah Simon, we're in the same boat comment wise! Here's my contribution, lol. Umm... I like turtles? :) Seriously though, great blog. Looks good and very concise, too! And Peter gave somehting away: only clicking on the ones he "wants" to comment on... lol, easy there! You're meant to make us ALL feel special ;)

  10. Full circle big man! Write a post about comments and you you get a whole heap o comments. Quality.

    Nice reflections here in your blog post and the comments.

    Well done!
